White Ribbon, Berkeley Inc.
Behind the music
Transformative Social Change

Preventing Family Violence

Acknowledging the impact of the shadow pandemic in the lives of women, children and Canadians in general, White Ribbon implemented initiatives to call for an end to family and intimate partner violence.

  • Our Day After Day campaign, funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada, follows the story of a family in lockdown experiencing a troubling pattern of gender-based violence and invites men to challenge the unhealthy behaviours and attitudes that enable violence at home.
  • In Ontario, with support from the Office of Women’s Issues, we worked closely with male-identifying peer champions from immigrant and refugee communities to generate awareness and male allyship through culturally and linguistically appropriate strategies.
  • In Québec, we partnered with Fédération des OSBL d'habitation de Montreal to address intimate partner violence with youth living in community housing.
Immigrant and Refugee Communities-Neighbours, Friends and Families Campaign

"Women's rights are human rights. The commitment to improve the situation of women is a noble one because it is anchored in the promotion of universally shared human values. As with racism, sexism is a plight that continues to affect our societies."

Junior Mandoko, Male Ally

Program participants reported transformative results

91% increase in knowledge

87% enhanced skills

100% behavioural change

Preventing Gender-based Violence